When it comes to manga/anime, I'm usually very simple minded. If it's complicated then most likely I won't be able to tell you what's happening.
That's similar to the problem I have with Bleach.
No, not that bleach.

That guy --->
But why is he the cool short ice dude? Why can't I even remember my favorite character's name?Well...it's mainly because of this:
Yeah, THAT.
But oh wait. Are all of the characters on there? I'm not really sure, since I don't know half of those on that picture anyway. Like, who's that one afro kid under that creepy Don guy? Don't know.
And I know this isn't mine, so sorry for insulting it, but why does Aizen get the biggest picture? Huh? Why not that microscopic square right next to him of Nel when she was cute and adorable and still had clothes on?
(Oh yeah, go Nel)
Or how about Orihime? She's one of the main characters. Uh, more so than Aizen. And Byakuya.
Well, whatever.Another thing that I need to point out: the lines.
You know, the lines that show that something is going very fast. The speed lines.
I don't really know what they're called.
So, I get that Shinigami are really fast and all, so they need the speed line thingys, but in the manga it just gets plain confusing. I can never tell what's going on because the entire chapter is made of lines. That, and giant explosions.
Of course I understand that it can be difficult to draw speed, but other manga artists also use speed lines, and I don't need to stare at the picture for long periods of time to figure out what exactly it's a picture of.
In Naruto, for example, with it's amazing speed-line-creating-ninjas, it's very easy to understand without trying different methods of moving the book around. I just look it over like a normal picture where people are just standing around. Or a landscape.
But you know what? If you take out all of those bad line thingys, Bleach is amazing. Yeah, sure, there are a lot of characters, but every one of them looks different, has a different story, and (maybe?) has a different personality. The author is just plain incredible for making them all up.
Although I still don't like the lines.
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